- Crest::FlatParamsEncoder
- Crest::ParamsEncoder
- Reference
- Object
Defined in:
crest/params_encoders/flat_params_encoder.crClass Method Summary
.flatten_params(object : Hash, parent_key : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(String, Crest::ParamsValue))
Transform deeply nested params containers into a flat array of
{key, value}
. -
.flatten_params(object : Array, parent_key : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(String, Crest::ParamsValue))
Transform deeply nested params containers into a flat array of
{key, value}
Instance Method Summary
#encode(params : Hash) : String
Converts the given params into a URI query string.
Instance methods inherited from class Crest::ParamsEncoder
encode(params : Hash) : String
Class methods inherited from class Crest::ParamsEncoder
encode(params : Hash) : String
flatten_params(object : JSON::Any, parent_key : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(String, Crest::ParamsValue))
Class Method Detail
def self.flatten_params(object : Hash, parent_key : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(String, Crest::ParamsValue))
Transform deeply nested params containers into a flat array of {key, value}
— Should not be passed (used for recursion)
Crest::FlatParamsEncoder.flatten_params({:key1 => {:key2 => "123"}})
# => [{"key1[key2]", "123"}]
def self.flatten_params(object : Array, parent_key : String | Nil = nil) : Array(Tuple(String, Crest::ParamsValue))
Transform deeply nested params containers into a flat array of {key, value}
— Should not be passed (used for recursion)
Crest::FlatParamsEncoder.flatten_params({:key1 => {:arr => ["1", "2", "3"]}})
# => [{"key1[arr][]", "1"}, {"key1[arr][]", "2"}, {"key1[arr][]", "3"}]
Instance Method Detail
def encode(params : Hash) : String
Converts the given params into a URI query string. Keys and values will converted to strings and appropriately escaped for the URI.
Crest::FlatParamsEncoder.encode({"a" => ["one", "two", "three"], "b" => true, "c" => "C", "d" => 1})
# => 'a[]=one&a[]=two&a[]=three&b=true&c=C&d=1'