class Twitter::Streaming::Client

Included Modules

Defined in:


Constant Summary

HOST = ""


Instance Method Summary

Instance methods inherited from module Twitter::Streaming::Statuses

filter(options = {} of String => String, &) filter, parse_result(json) parse_result, sample(options = {} of String => String, &) sample

Constructor Detail

def : String, consumer_secret : String, access_token : String, access_token_secret : String, user_agent : Nil | String = nil, connect_timeout : Time::Span | Nil = 30.seconds) #

Instance Method Detail

def access_token : String #

def access_token=(access_token : String) #

def access_token_secret : String #

def access_token_secret=(access_token_secret : String) #

def consumer_key : String #

def consumer_key=(consumer_key : String) #

def consumer_secret : String #

def consumer_secret=(consumer_secret : String) #

def get(path : String, params = {} of String => String, &) #

def http_client : HTTP::Client #

def http_client=(http_client : HTTP::Client) #

def post(path : String, form = {} of String => String, &) #

def user_agent : String | Nil #

def user_agent=(user_agent : String | Nil) #